Bebo Skins Anonymous


Monday, August 28, 2006

Tutorial - How to upload a custom skin to your bebo page

This tutorial will show you how to apply a custom skin on to your bebo page, this tutorial will not tecah you how to make skins, but the basics needed to put one on your bebo page.

1. how to apply as already mentiond custom skins to your page, and
2. how to navigate around and perhaps help you to know how to make your own skin and upload and apply...

and finally, do not submit any of my skins, bebo has already laid a warning:

You MUST be the ORIGINAL artist of a Skin to submit to be featured. If you are not we will block you from creating ANY further Skins. Do not submit for review images that you have copied from other Bebo Skin sites.

ok lets get started...

Before you can even start this tutorial you must have my password to access my downloads page, if you havent done so peep my bebo page
and vote in my poll to get the current password

once you have my password well need to go to this page
island time skin link
for a direct link to the resources for this skin

Once you're in this sub menu, you'll notice 8 files, 7 of them are all required for the skins, they're all clearly labelled, so you cant get confused..

the 8th is the Style Sheet screenshot makes life easier when you have this to apply the skin..

there will be times when a page hasnt all the images, dont panic its most likely a mix & match skin where u can use the images for other full skinsets.

now click on the very first image

Now that you clicked that image, you get the full size version of the image, now depending on what browser you use (internet explorer, mozilla, operah, etc.. ) you can right click (if you're on a PC, otherwise for Macs) and Save Image As...

dont panic if yours doesnt say the same word, the point is you should have at least something that says you can save the image.

now be sure that you save it as it is (jpg = jpg, gif = gif), dont try and save it as something else..

Now i've already made a folder called island life as you can clearly see, so you'll need to make a folder somewhere on your computer, i generally have a folder system like this K:/bebo/skins/... to store your skins.

and save all the images you're 'saving as' in whatever folder you have just made...

make sure you dont save as another graphic format, just save as it currently is and not change any other info..

Once you've saved all the images from island life resource page.. make sure you have all 8 files in your folder... remember to take your time, no rush

Now we got all the 8 files in a folder (remember where that folder is btw ) its time to upload your custom skin.

peep your Bebo homepage, you'll see the submenu under your display picture, click on Change Skins link

Now usually you'd select many of the available skins featured below, but because you're actually uploading a custom skin, you'll click on the link above

Become a Featured Skin Artist

**updated August 28**

this page will be familiar to custom skinners, its where all your skins will be and where most of the work will be done.

Now Bebo has sharpen'd up this page a bit with much more clarity :) so its pretty obvious where we need to go to next, click
2. Add a New Skin >>> (Remember, no copyrighted images!)

Ok we're into the process of uploading our custom skin, now to give the skin a name, now the default name for the skin is island time but really you can name it whatever you want then click save.

Once you've saved it you'll get a No preview image yet indication next to various links for your newly named skin..

we are going to upload the actual graphics for the skin, so i require you to click on Upload Graphics in the associated links to the right:

  • Change Name - if you want to change the name of the skin, submission purposes really
  • Upload Graphics - upload/edit/change graphics of this skin
  • Edit Stylesheet - upload/edit the stylesheet important for the look of your skin i.e. text colour and background colour
  • Preview - testing purposes to see how your skin looks prior to making it 'live' on your page
  • Use on my Homepage - use the skin on your page
  • Submit to be Featured - submitting your work to bebo
  • Delete Skin - removes your skin

Once you're in this page, you'll see the 7 images required, this page is for you to upload the skin images, so for each file, you'll need to browse for the associated file, i.e. main_bg will require main_bg file in your skin folder, easy! match all files with each required file on the page...
Then click the Upload button below

Additional info:

Q: I keep getting an error on my skin, about it being too big? dimensions
A: check bebo's skin specifications to ensure that you have the correct dimensions, if it isnt dimensions but rather file size, you will need to be sure that your image editing program can optimise or export your image to a smaller file size.

restrictions on size are clearly labelled on the upload page, if something goes wrong pay attention to the error it reports.

Now i've made sure that all the images i uploaded for you are sized correctly, i dont mean dimensional size, but each file can only be so big (download wise) file size, all the images should be Successfully uploaded,

IF you have problems with errors be sure to tell me..

if everything is good, click <<<>

additional info:

Q: i keep getting an error nav_bg dimensions incorrect. Actual is -1x-1, must be 760x40, please rectify and upload again: help i dont know whats going on?

A: this is a server side error on Bebo's side, i could assume what it means, but basically -1 x -1 is a size that doesnt exist, so when you're trying to upload and submit the images its not actually submitting anything.

best thing to do is wait and try again later.

also when something goes wrong please pay attention to the errors, only thru that will you find a solution to your problems.

Now that you've uploaded all the images, you'll finally see an associated preview graphic to your skin, you're almost done!!!

Now we need to make sure that the skin works with the text, comments, blog info that'll populate your new skin, so we need to click Edit Stylesheet

Important because default StyleSheet skins wont generally look nice with any custom skin you apply

Ok now you're in the Edit Stylesheet Page
You'll notice a list of information here, dont get overwhelmed by it, just know that these are the default stylesheets for ALL custom skins you make

so it's essential to change this, all colours are in #HEXidecimal format, i dont want to get into more depth of it, so we'll continue, not to confuse ppl who dont use graphics programs like adobe photoshop, corel draw, etc..

additional info:
I have a full description of bebo stylesheets coming soon on my blog, however you can peep it on my bebo page under the galleries.

And this is where i help you, the 8th image that you downloaded is you guessed it the screenshot of the stylesheet, so all you really have to do is match the colour with what value i've given you then click on Save button below to return to your main skin page...

if you know how to adjust colours and are confident, you can change it whatever you want.

Additional info:
Q: when i submit the page it has huge white gaps on my bebo page, and i cant see my text now?

A: errors in your stylesheet will only come out as white (#FFFFFF).

I suggest that you remove the skin from your skin list and try again, before submitting your stylesheet ensure that everything is correct, no spelling mistakes or errors.

it's faster to remove a skin and re-add then edit the stylesheet and view changes

preview page

Now you're back at the skins page, of the many links to the right of your skin one is Preview, this is generally to look at your skin before you make it final or live on your page, use this to check if all images are up and are working (if they are animated gifs)... lets go back to our skins page again if you arent already there

additional info:
i use the preview page to make sure something has uploaded properly, for example u dont like the main_bg.jpg image you did and decide to reupload a different one, i click on preview and perhaps press refresh on my browser a few times to make sure its actually there...

making it live

Now back at the skins page, the link Use on My Homepage click this.. and you'll come to this page, it's basically making sure you want to make this live on your page.. click the link click here >>> to activate as your default (chosen) skin


and BOOM.. you have a new custom skin on your page! if you did everything accordingly you should have a flawless skin reproduction

however if you have some inconsistancies like txt/background colours arent right you'll need to go back and edit your stylesheet (you'll have to go back to the skins page again) and make sure it is exactly like the stylesheet i have provided to the letter, very important...

if you've done that and it's still playing up, you'll need to REFRESH your page using your browser, usually that works.. if not you might have to go to more extreme measures and clear out your history and cache, to fully ensure the page is working.. however if this fails, you can ask me for some insight, and if that dont works we always have Micheal Birch's bebo page to hassle, or contact Bebo for help hope this helps and good luck to you



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