Bebo Skins Anonymous


Wednesday, September 13, 2006

My bebo page..

heya, only a few of you would've got my email regarding what has happen to my page.. yea some kinda lame stuff right there.. for a moment i just couldnt be bothered coming back to bebo.. but guess what.. alot of those haters will just cry about me returning.. but i aint gonna return because of that..

i'll return because i luv helping out where i can.. my page is nothing without the contribution of each and every person who's been on my page.. 1 person alone never made it what it was.. regardless of what you haters think, homepage views dont make the page...

if bebo gives me back my page, cool with me, but if everything is gone.. its just a skeleton of it's former self.. months of comments lost.. months of tutorials lost.. months of work lost..

but i want to thank all those ppl who've given me support for this.. honestly it means a helluva lot to me.. and probably has swayed my decision in thinkin' of coming back, it's sad for a number of reasons.. not because my page was removed.. but because of what was on the page, it just pisses me off deeply.. the decision to remove it knowning well how i help 100s if not 1000s of ppl in their causes is just out of depth..

hey i could just make another account but that's besides the point.. do i really want to make another page commit so much info knowing that it could be done to me again.. ugh.. such a killer of will lol.

just leaving this to say that i'll be back.. hopefull, take care, god bless, much luv

PS. the current password is:
for those who still want to access my page..

also what i was talkin about something BIG coming up in a week.. hell.. that's still coming.. i'll keep ya'll posted.


  • damn man, sorry to here this. Bebo been wierd? How does this work.. you do official skins for them an they go do this? a joke man.. pure joke! I'll back you an ur movements 100% an if any questions or answers need backing up hit me up. I know we probably dont know each other that well but i know what you do an who u help. Iv got respect for that.

    Im sure bebo will relise there mistake an fix this... if not.. iv lost alot of respect of them.. an thats that..

    peace man..


    By Blogger, at Wed Sept 13, 02:13:00 am NZST  

  • I agree with mark.


    What funny people the bebo staff aye?

    Your probably one of the reasons people still hit up on bebo, because of your work. This sucks if you aint going be back on... Don't think there is any other person out there who can replace you.

    Hope all ends well bro, cause you got alot of followers there behind you.

    Cheers ;)


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at Wed Sept 13, 02:02:00 pm NZST  

  • thanks Mark & Polo, its great to be back thou, it was silly but however just gotta realise that Bebo is a big company with many lines of communication, just one didnt cross my side, however i still question how easy it was just to remove my page without a warning or notice..

    im one clear example that no matter how much u do for the community you will easily be removed.


    By Blogger onesian, at Mon Sept 18, 09:53:00 pm NZST  

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